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accessibility of learning

We describe accessibility of learning as the ability to provide and scaffold learning opportunities for all learners.  Great Learning is dependent upon the ability to make learning experiences accessible to all. Levels of accessibility can therefore either increase or decrease Great Learning.


If learning is made accessible, then every child has the opportunity to participate. On the other hand, if students are marginalised due to inaccessibility, Great Learning becomes unattainable for those particular students. Three learner groups are most at risk in relation to Great Learning due to accessibility issues; students who are still acquiring the school’s target language, students who require additional learning needs and students who have been identified as gifted and talented.


At Danube, we believe that every student has a right to Great Learning and therefore aspire to reduce issues of accessibility. Firstly, we believe that curricula should be designed with accessibility in mind from the beginning. Secondly, we believe that learning should be personalised to meet the requirements of all students (non-English proficient, additional learning needs and gifted & talented). Thirdly, we believe in the use of accessible instructional materials in order to better enable access to learning. These principles are implemented and supported by our codes and agreements such as our Learning and Teaching Strategy.


In contrast to this approach, schools that provide a ‘one method fits all’ learning strategy are at risk of marginalising students due to issues of accessibility.   For example, if no support is available for a student when they are not proficient in the target language, then their opportunities to learn are greatly reduced.





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"striving for EXCELLENCE by ENGAGING minds, EXCITING learners, acting ETHICALLY and showing EMPATHY"

© 2014 by Ian Piper and Adam Sawyer.  All rights reserved.

Proudly created with the staff of Danube International School Vienna and with feedback from the international school community

Josef-Galle Gasse 2, 1020, Vienna, Austria

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Our goal in publishing our GL model is to influence the discussion regarding what is a good school to the core idea of learning.  We give permission for individuals and educational institutions to use the information found on this website for non-commerical research and educational use only, provided that the source is and authors are clearly cited.  We do not give permission for the ideas and content created on this website to be used for commercial purposes.

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