extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation plays an important part of Great Learning. Whilst it is hoped that individuals develop their own intrinsic motivation, it is also recognised that motivation driven by external sources has a role to play. In the context of Great Learning, extrinsic motivation specifically refers to non-monetary rewards that motivate a student, teacher or community member and are external to the individual.
For example; honour rolls, athletic trophies, well-displayed student work, peer recognition or positive behaviour management strategies such as our elementary Danny Points system. Such external rewards help to foster both recognition and esteem within the individual. It is possible that these forms of extrinsic motivation have a positive role to play in the concept of Great Learning.
It is important to note that not all forms of extrinsic motivation are suitable for Great Learning, as the opportunities to develop long-term intrinsic motivation can become limited. For example, monetary rewards such as cash for grades.
Trophies | Honour Roll |