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In order for individuals to develop a clear understanding of their learning, skill acquisition or behaviour it is essential that they receive meaningful feedback.  We consider feedback to be helpful information or constructive criticism that is given to students, teachers and other members of our community in relation to the performance of a task, role or an activity.  Therefore feedback is applicable not only for students relating to their learning, but all members of the community.


For example, teachers require feedback relating to their own teaching and learning, leaders require feedback relating to their ability to lead and affect a culture of learning. In order to support Great Learning, feedback should be formative, timely and meaningful. For example, when teachers provide feedback to students it should be diagnostic as opposed to simply giving a right/wrong response. Diagnostic feedback helps students understand their current learning position and what their next step would be.


In contrast, if feedback is meaningless or untimely then it is difficult for individuals to develop a clear understanding of their work. For example, teachers that only receive a formal appraisal every two years may not have a clear understanding of their strengths or areas that need  development.

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"striving for EXCELLENCE by ENGAGING minds, EXCITING learners, acting ETHICALLY and showing EMPATHY"

© 2014 by Ian Piper and Adam Sawyer.  All rights reserved.

Proudly created with the staff of Danube International School Vienna and with feedback from the international school community

Josef-Galle Gasse 2, 1020, Vienna, Austria

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Our goal in publishing our GL model is to influence the discussion regarding what is a good school to the core idea of learning.  We give permission for individuals and educational institutions to use the information found on this website for non-commerical research and educational use only, provided that the source is and authors are clearly cited.  We do not give permission for the ideas and content created on this website to be used for commercial purposes.

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