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model use

The GL model is being used at Danube International School Vienna to guide the planning process of the school.  The model is designed for a whole school approach to improve the quality of learning at the school.  The model is not designed for use with individual students.


We seek to reach the aspirations for each element and prioritise which elements need attention over a period of time.


Our advice to anyone wishing to embark on a Great Learning journey is to complete the following in order:-

  1. Create a shared definition of Great Learning, it may be different from the GL model.

  2. Ensure you agree with all stated elements as they relate to your definition. 

    1. Remove elements that don't relate to your defintion.

    2. Add elements as necessary.

  3. Ensure agreement with all stated aspirations for the elements that you have chosen.

    1. Remove aspirations that don't relate to your definition.

    2. Add aspirations as required.

  4. We recommend undertaking a simple audit of all the aspirations of all the elements (have you reached, nearly reached, on the journey, just started or at the start line). This information can be very helpful in terms of prioritising which elements should be addressed and in which order.

  5. We suggest that you begin with the following elements to ensure that they are in place.

    1. Vision and Purpose

      • ​The school vision must be in line with Great Learning

    2. Visual Environment

      • ​The school visual environment needs to be primed to support the school vision and learning in particular.

    3. Mindset

      • ​Work should start on first preparing staff for an improvement culture, then introduce a growth mindset sequentially to staff, students and parents.

We believe attention to these three elements will provide the groundwork to address other elements.


We also feel that it is important to have some fun on your journey as being an educator is enjoyable and rewarding.

Danube - Josef Galle Gasse 2

Danube - Josef Galle Gasse 2

20th Anniversary

20th Anniversary

Student Creativity

Student Creativity

Thinking Keys

Thinking Keys

is of an excellent technical quality, with an understanding of the individual, that is ethically pursued and socially responsible and learning that is engaging, enjoyable and feels great 



"striving for EXCELLENCE by ENGAGING minds, EXCITING learners, acting ETHICALLY and showing EMPATHY"

© 2014 by Ian Piper and Adam Sawyer.  All rights reserved.

Proudly created with the staff of Danube International School Vienna and with feedback from the international school community

Josef-Galle Gasse 2, 1020, Vienna, Austria

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Our goal in publishing our GL model is to influence the discussion regarding what is a good school to the core idea of learning.  We give permission for individuals and educational institutions to use the information found on this website for non-commerical research and educational use only, provided that the source is and authors are clearly cited.  We do not give permission for the ideas and content created on this website to be used for commercial purposes.

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